Trump Was Serious: Mexico Prepares for Deportations

During the campaign for president of the United States, Trump said he would build a wall and make Mexico pay. And so it begins.

The Left mocked him. When Trump visited Mexico, a move that stunned many people, the Left spun the visit as a win for Mexico.

Politico penned, The ‘Colossal Failure’ of Trump’s Mexico Visit, then wrote,

In Mexico, the Republican presidential hopeful is one of the most unpopular people alive; only 2 percent of Mexicans still hold a positive view of the real estate mogul. His incendiary comments about Mexican immigrants, calling them rapists and criminals, and his controversial plans to build a “great wall” at the U.S.-Mexican border and engage in mass deportation of undocumented migrants have made him an easy target for hatred and mockery.

CNN titled their article, Trump Visits Mexico, Brings Home Xenophobic Tirade for Base. Here’s an excerpt from their vantage point.

It was not a visit to the capitals of Britain and Germany, but it is a true North American summit: a unique moment where Mexico flexed and exercised power over the possible next US President. Mexico was the only place Trump could come and attempt to achieve a crucial validation he lacks.

After all the bluster by Mexican president, he’s already capitulated to Trump on two issues: NAFTA and now deportations.

According to The Blaze,

Mexico is already making preparations for a large number of deportations under President-elect Donald Trump, a Mexican government spokesman said earlier this week.

“We will have to see how many of those deportations, usually done by the United States government to the countries where the illegal immigrants are from, are for Mexico,” Eduardo Sánchez, spokesman for Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, said, according to CNN. “Of course this and other matters will be part of the agenda that Mexico brings to the table during the bilateral meetings that will take place with the government-elect of President[-elect] Donald Trump.”

He added that Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz is already coordinating efforts to brace for a large number of immediate deportations, should Trump follow through with his promises.

See Leftists. That wasn’t so hard.

Why should America house, feed, and otherwise support Mexico’s criminals or its disenfranchised? In a strategic move, Trump has attacked the problem of illegals in America in a way that cannot be argued. Who is willing to fight for the rights of illegal criminals over the rights of taxpaying citizens?


In a very strategic move, Trump will have overwhelming consensus for deportations.

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