Leftist Proposes Castrating Men to End Abortion

Liberals have worked to emasculate men for decades. But now, one leftist is ready to take a drastic step forward in those efforts.

The Illinois lawmaker responsible for the disgusting suggestion believes castrating men would solve the problem of abortion.

Rep. Dianne Pappas, a Democrat from Itasca, made the suggestion not once, but twice, in recent meetings.

The DuPage Policy Journal explains:

Jackie Hayden, a pro-life Republican from Pappas’ district, said she and several others recently set up a meeting with her to explain their opposition to state House Bill 2495, the Reproductive Health Act.

The pro-abortion legislation would treat abortion as a “fundamental right” and strip away even minor protections for unborn babies and medical professionals who object to abortions. Pro-life voters fear the bill could pass with Democrats in control of both state houses and the governor’s office.

However, state lawmakers have not moved forward with the bill recently. One possible reason is the massive public opposition. In March, so many Illinois pro-lifers flooded the capitol in opposition to the bill that police had to close the building due to overcrowding.

Hayden said they met with Pappas to discuss the pro-abortion bill and left shocked by the state representative’s statements.

Leftism at it’s finest.

If you think this could be one of those times when one side twists the words of the other side, let me assure you, I double-checked my sources more than once, hoping no one is that twisted. Unfortunately, Pappas is seriously deranged.

In fact, Hayden wrote an Op-Ed detailing her experience with Pappas.

A small coalition from a local Parish in Wayne Township met at the district office of Representative Diane Pappas in Bloomingdale to discuss HB2495 with Ms. Pappas. We tried to keep politics out of this equation, as we were here to represent the parish members for Pro Life.  I personally, introduced myself as a Business Owner, who is a licensed Insurance Agent. Two minutes into the discussion, she revealed her views on the topic and how we won’t be able to change her mind. (Well, I wasn’t there to change her mind, I was there to have her hear us out, I mean after all, she does work for us, correct?).

Her office became a silent, we had to focus and quickly make our case. Her eyes connected with mine and she said, “You know ladies, with technology the way it is, we wouldn’t have an abortion problem if we applied a plan. Now, I’ve been told it’s a bit radical, but if we allowed men to be castrated, took the sperm to the bank, collected tax dollars on it for storage, then when it’s time, to have the man decide he’s ready to begin a family…. well then problem is solved!”

Imagine trying to coordinate bipartisan efforts with a woman like Pappas.

The Women’s Movement

Sadly, Pappas will defend her behavior as a progressive form of feminism. Listen, I’m all for equality among the sexes, but leftist women don’t want to be equals, they want to destroy the opposite sex.

Like Kevin Jackson notes,

Leftist women emasculate their men.

Their men are male hyenas, the smallest and weakest members of the clan. In the case of male hyenas, they never get even. But in the case of Leftist men, they usually do.

And that’s how men like Harvey Weinstein are bred.

Which brings me back to leftist women. They stomp around singing “I am woman hear me roar,” while sitting on the casting couch, until it’s no longer cool to behave like a prostitute.

And then we have the #MeToo movement. On the surface, it sounds empowering. Then, you realize it’s a hashtag born out of one woman’s determination to use lies and deceit to ruin the career of a man who wasn’t just upstanding, but who fought for women’s rights throughout his career.

When you sit back and examine modern feminism, it’s immediately clear. These women lack the moral compass every leader should possess. The next time you come across a man defending leftism, ask him if he’s willing to stake the family jewels on his opinions. Thanks to Pappas, I see a few more defectors in the near future.



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