Town Hall Crowd Turns on Schiff (Video)

Adam Schiff thought he could host a town hall meeting without addressing the impeachment nonsense going on.

But it didn’t take long for the crowd to turn on Schiff, shouting “liar” and “treason” at the man responsible for such a shoddy impeachment inquiry.

It’s hilarious to think Schiff tried to present himself as someone who values bipartisanship. But that’s exactly what Schiff did. The Town Hall was set to discuss the Armenian genocide. However, it’s impossible to look at Schiff and not think “impeachment.”

Schiff’s been after Trump from day one.

In fact, many complaints have been logged against Schiff’s ethics.

Months ago The Daily Wire  hammered Schiff’s character:

Last week, The Daily Wire reported on Schiff’s “nagging ethics questions,” pointing out that Schiff’s meeting with Simpson carries the appearance of impropriety, as it occurred before Simpson testified about his involvement in the alleged Russian collusion narrative and his role in the FBI’s previous investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server. The article was published just before it was revealed that Schiff met with Cohen for a total of 10 hours before the latter testified before the House regarding what he knows about other alleged crimes committed by President Donald Trump.

While the Judicial Watch complaint focuses on these two meetings, it should also be noted that Schiff appears to have leaked confidential information to the media during closed-door testimony. Multiple sources have reported that Schiff would leave the room during testimony, and a few minutes later a “scoop” would appear on CNN reporting on something from the meeting. Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) said Schiff did this during Donald Trump Jr.’s closed-door testimony. Former staffer Donny Ferguson said Schiff did this during Benghazi hearings, and the same thing happened during Cohen’s testimony.

“Rep. Schiff has an ethics problem. His and his staff’s irregular communications with anti-Trump witnesses reflect poorly on the credibility of the House and its committees’ investigations,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said in a press release. “It has long been apparent that Rep. Schiff can’t be trusted to lead the Intelligence Committee, so we hope that Democrats on the Ethics Committee stop protecting Mr. Schiff and take action.”

But democrats didn’t take action. Instead, they put him in charge of the impeachment inquiry.

Schiff doesn’t intimidate Trump.

As we all know, Trump says what he means and means what he says. And when it comes to Adam Schiff, Trump has plenty of things to say. Just last month, Trump called Schiff the biggest Thanksgiving turkey around.

Then, when it came time for Schiff to testify, it seems Schiff gobbled his way into hiding. He was nowhere to be found. Isn’t that ironic? One would guess Schiff to be bursting at the seams with anti-Trump testimony. It reminds me of the saying. “silence speaks a thousand words.” Schiff said everything we needed to know, which is Democrats have nothing real to hold against Donald Trump.

Therefore, president has no fear of Democrats, Schiff, or public opinion of the sham perpetrated by Democrats. As Kevin Jackson discussed on his radio show, President Trump has two things on his side.

First, he has the truth. All of sane America knows he did nothing wrong, and Biden did.

Second, in continuation of truth, the president knows that Democrats attempted a coup. I believe he knows the details of the coup, but continues to save the information for the appropriate reveal.

Back to the Town Hall

Now that impeachment is headed to the Senate, millions of Americans are angry at Democrats. Especially high ranking dems such as Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

We’re tired of Congress wasting both our time and our money on senseless investigations. What Americans want is for Congress to make one of two choices. Either get behind the President and help him accomplish more great things for our country, or get out of his way. In Schiff’s case, he might want to stay home from now on. Or he can expect more of this kind of fanfare to follow him.







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