Pelosi’s Plan: Pick Prejudice Managers

First Pelosi sits on the articles for weeks while demanding the Senate cave to her demands.

When that didn’t work, she picked the most vile anti-Trump representatives she could to serve as managers.

Her hope? That these lying sacks of cow poop can sway the outcome of the impeachment proceedings.

As Fox News reports:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday announced the seven lawmakers who will serve as impeachment managers to prosecute the case against President Trump in his imminent Senate trial.

“This is about the Constitution of the United States,” Pelosi said, as she presented the Democrats’ legal team and noted that she put an emphasis on “litigators” in assembling them.

The managers include House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who will be the lead manager and who directed much of the impeachment inquiry out of his committee, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., whose panel drafted the articles of impeachment.

Pelosi also tapped House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.; Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo.; Val Demings, D-Fla.; Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas; and Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.

Notice none of these managers are known for their bi-partisan efforts. Their just mob-minded followers of the witch hunt. Schiff and Nadler both eat, breathe, sleep while dreaming up a way to rid the country of Donald Trump. I imagine November 3rd will be quite hard for them.

Stained Legacy

As for Pelosi, she continually brags that this is a stain on Trump’s legacy. She’s wrong. The stain will forever sit on her legacy. Trump will go down in history as the one president that accomplished countless achievements in the face of constant adversity.

As Pelosi put it:

“This is a very serious matter and we take it to heart in a really solemn way,” Pelosi said. “It’s about the Constitution, it’s about the republic if we can keep it and [senators] shouldn’t be frivolous with the Constitution of the United States even though the president of the United States has.”

She added: “The president is not above the law. He will be held accountable. And he already has been held accountable. He has been impeached and you can never erase that.”

Trump hit back in a tweet after the announcement: “Here we go again, another Con Job by the Do Nothing Democrats. All of this work was supposed to be done by the House, not the Senate!”

If Pelosi truly cares about a legacy, she should do an about face as soon as possible. Because the road she’s on will lead her down the path of defeat. Clearly, Trump is ready for a trial. He’s not even looking for a dismissal. Instead, Trump wants a full acquittal.

I’m going to throw out a little prediction. This is Pelosi’s last term. And she might as well take Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler with her. That would definitely be a triple delight.

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