Trump Declares White Supremacy Group ‘Terrorist’

Holy Mother of Charlottesville, let’s see how the fake news media responds to this story of Trump “racism”.

The Trump administration is now the first U.S. administration to label a white supremacist group a terrorist organization. The group is called the Russian Imperialist Movement.

State Department officials explained that the group is not believed to be sponsored by the Russian government. However, its actions have been “tolerated” by President Vladimir V. Putin. Further, the group has “helped advance the Russian government’s external goals by recruiting Russian fighters to aid pro-Russia separatists in eastern Ukraine.”

But the organization’s activities are not limited to Russia. They have supported neo-Nazi organizations in Scandinavia, and attempted to disrupt Western democracies as part of a Russian strategy.

Nice work by President Trump. But wasn’t stopping the threat of white supremacy something of the black president’s job? Certainly one would think the Obama administration would have taken this symbolic step at some point in their 8 year reign of terror.

But as Trump’s saving Carrier suggests, Obama didn’t have a clue. Or perhaps he was just too busy returning all those favors that got him elected in the first place? I hear that’s a consequence when you’re just a puppet; a tool of the man.

So Trump did what Obama didn’t…or couldn’t.

The State Department’s counter-terrorism coordinator, Ambassador Nathan Sales commented,

“These designations [global terrorist organization] are unprecedented. This is the first time the United States has ever designated white supremacists as terrorists, and this illustrates how seriously this administration takes the white supremacist terrorist threat. We are doing things no previous administration has done to counter this threat.”

By designating RIM a terrorist group, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control can block any American property or assets belonging to the group. Also, the designation bars Americans from financial dealings with the organization and makes it easier to ban its members from traveling to the United States.

According to the Times, three of the group’s leaders — Stanislav Anatolyevich Vorobyev, Denis Valliullovich Gariev and Nikolay Nikolayevich Trushchalov — are being labeled individually as terrorists, which brings additional sanctions.

Trump’s move to go after white supremacist caused a stir with Leftists at the The New York Times . The rag declared that Trump’s move “could cut against criticism that the Trump administration has played down the threat of white nationalist violence for political reasons.”

Adding insult to Leftists’ injury, the group also happens to be pro-Russia. So the idea that Trump is a puppet of Putin got poo-pooed as well.

How will blacks react?

Let’s see how this plays in the black community. After all, labeling white supremacists as terrorists isn’t exactly what racists do. So kudos for the Trump team for yet again poking a hole in the Leftist narrative.

As we Conservatives like to say, “Trump wins in the end!”.




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