Biden Team Enlists 62 Women To Refute Sexual Abuse Charges

Joey “Fingers” Biden is using the Chinese Wuhan Virus and debunked Russian collusion to provide cover for his sexual abuse. #MeToo to the rescue.

Team Biden found 62 women to refute Tara Reade’s rape story. Because who should know better if Biden fingered Tara Reade without her consent than 62 obscure other women?

Now, the women told PBS they never heard of anything sexually inappropriate related to Biden.

“He was fully embracing the idea that women should have the same opportunities and be taken with the same seriousness as male staff. That was distinctive,” said Liz Sherwood-Randall, a former Biden senior foreign policy adviser.

Mary Byrne worked in the Senate between 1988 and 1995 and said men touching women on the hill was a common occurrence.

“We all worked in a culture where men put their hands on you, often,” Byrne said. “I remember sitting at a desk outside the Agriculture Committee and one staffer would come in and give you a shoulder massage, say you are doing good,”

Byrne continued: “Men there felt they had access to your body as a young woman.”

Elizabeth Alexander, a former Senate and White House aide to Joe Biden, said she was never compromised or offended by the former Senator.

“I traveled with him all over the world, all over the country. I was alone with him all the time,” Alexander said. “Never, ever, ever did I feel uncomfortable.”

Who knows what these women’s experiences were with Biden? The key is what Reade’s experience was with Biden. And in the lingo of Leftists: I believe her!

Clearly, there exist many mitigating factors as to why Biden didn’t bother the other women. For example, they could all be unattractive. Or perhaps they just weren’t his type.

As Reade alleged, somebody told Biden that she liked him. Thus Fingers made his move. Maybe Fingers wasn’t given the hint?

These women could have been married or in relationships; not that things like marriage would stop a creep like Biden. But again, who knows?

So what 62  women, all former Biden staffers, reported “no moleste” by Senior Dedo. What of the others? How many Biden staffers have there been, and have we heard from them all?

Furthermore, what of the male staffers, you SEXISTS!? Let’s interview those braindead eunuchs. Because any man who works for Biden is really a moron and a woman-in-waiting.

Biden may think getting these women together negates the allegations by Reade. But he just added fuel to the fire.

Biden was better off ignoring the charges. Now that he’s pitted 62 women against the one, he’s opened up a new can of worms.

Since I like to keep things real, I will call bullsh*t on these 62 women. Obviously, Biden publicly makes women feel uncomfortable, and we’ve all seen it. What these 62 women want us to do is not believe our lying eyes.

I’ve said on my radio show and written that Biden publicly abuses women and he enjoys it. What he really loves is when their husbands are present.

So this attempt to clean up Biden’s reputation won’t help. Frankly, I believe it backfired.

Instead, the Tara Reade story got a boost. Thanks in large part to Team Biden’s attempt to provide cover for Captain Demento.



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