PROOF Obama Administration Broke Protocol on Flynn

In studying Leftism 101, understand that Leftists speak “Opposite”: the language of lying.

So in Catherine Herridge’s tweet on the newly declassified email that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent to herself, we learn definitively that the Obama administration did not in fact act, “by the book”.

If you click on the document, you will note that three times, Rice put in her “message to self” that the Obama administration and all the crooks therein acted, “by the book”.

Clearly, Rice wanted it noted that the transition team acted “by the book” as they went completely rogue.

Who is the Obama administration to decide what information to pass on and to whom? In their planning meeting where they plotted sedition, they strategized on how to justify their actions. Never did Obama and team plan a peaceful transition of power.

In the email, one can clearly see that there was no reason to not share information with General Mike Flynn.

“Director Comey affirmed that he is proceeding “by the book” as it relates to law enforcement. From a national security perspective, Comey says he does have some concerns that incoming NSA Flynn is speaking frequently with Russian Ambassador Kislyak. Comey said this could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information. President Obama asked if Comey was saying the NSC should not pass sensitive information related to Russia to Flynn. Comey replied [sic] “potentially”. He added that he has no indication thus far that Flynn has passed classified information to Kislyak, but he noted that the “level of communication is unusual”.

In other words, Flynn had done nothing wrong. And this email was to rationalize the information already obtained by the NSA. All Comey needed to do was close the loop by breaking protocol and sending unexpected agents to entrap Flynn.

In this video, Comey undoubtedly incriminates himself. As you can see, what he describes is anything but “by the book”:

I’m anxious to see how Obama’s team gets out of this one.

Nobody writes an email to himself or herself, as Rice claims to have done. You put a voice message on your phone or a memo pad. But you don’t email yourself in an instance like this, unless you are creating an alibi.

And if Comey told Rice that he played things “by the book”, I’m curious how he will rationalize the actions he described in the video.

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