Joe’s not all there: Trump HAMMERS Joe Biden

Trump may be the best non-politician of all time. And that’s what it takes to defeat professional politicians. Somebody who knows how to fight without using the playbook.

Trump excels at the “phantom punch”. That’s the way many sportscasters described the punch that challenger Muhammad Ali used to knock out then heavyweight boxing champ Sonny Liston.

In this scenario, establishment represents the champ and Donald Trump represents the challenger. And while Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, the fight with the establishment continues.

Like Ali did of Liston, Trump calls out the establishment. He goes to their home in the middle of the night with his bullhorn, shouting, “I’m the REAL champion!”. And Trump demonstrated this tactic during an interview on Fox News with Harris Faulkner.

The President responded to presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s speculation that Trump may try to steal the election, or that the military may need to escort Trump out of the White House if he loses the election but refuses to leave.

Trump explained to Faulkner that he hadn’t heard the remarks. But if Biden wants to rumble, Trump is ready.

Trump follows everything Biden does, at least his campaign does. Biden is followed, because people wait to see how big his next guffaw will be. And on that point, the president stays ready with the bullhorn.

Trump gave the quintessential Trumpian response to Faulkner’s question:

“Look, Joe’s not all there, everybody knows it”.

“It’s sad when you look at it, and you see it for yourself. He’s created his own sanctuary city in the basement of wherever he is, and he doesn’t come out.”

Classic. Genius in its simplicity.

Trump continues to paint Biden as demented.

He reinforces the idea that Biden must hide, which forces Biden to come out of hiding. Any attempts to remain hidden reinforce Trump’s view of the man. However, Biden showing himself publicly is fraught with dangers for him and the Democrats.

Worse for Biden, he must be on point. Anything that remotely looks like he’s stumbling, and Trump’s comments look like neon signs over Biden’s head.

Finally, Trump said it. So people will write about it, tweet about it. Trump’s comments gain a life of their own…

Biden makes a poor representative for the Deep State. He has been part of it for decades, but playing more the role of the hapless rube. Now he must carry the load, something he’s wholly unprepared to do.

The Deep State contains far too many moving parts for a healthy Biden. But there is no way Biden can execute on the level of treachery needed to protect the establishment. So the dance begins.

The bell rings and both opponents approach the center of the ring, fists up. Punches fly, then Trump throws that short upper cut. Was that a punch or did Biden just take the fall. Either way, Trump knocks Biden and the ruthless cutthroat Democrats out for good. In the first round.

Joe’s not all there

What an understatement! Democrats hitch their wagon to a nag. And then they wonder why they can’t win?



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