Why Did Obama Block an FBI Informant from Testifying Against Clinton?

Is John Durham looking into the story of the American businessman who went undercover for the FBI? People forget that Obama blocked his testimony.

The question is why.

Here’s how Breitbart reported the incident at the time:

An American businessman who went undercover for the FBI was blocked during the Obama administration from telling Congress what he knew about Russia’s efforts to influence the Clintons’ and Obama administration decisions, according to a report.

Attorney Victoria Toensing, a former Reagan Justice Department official and former chief counsel of the Senate intelligence committee, told The Hill that she is trying to get the Trump administration or the FBI to free her client to talk.

“All of the information about this corruption has not come out,” Toensing said.

She said her client possesses “specific allegations that Russian executives made to him about how they facilitated the Obama administration’s 2010 approval of the Uranium One deal and sent millions of dollars in Russian nuclear funds to the U.S. to an entity assisting Bill Clinton’s foundation.”

Funny how the press never dug into these allegations. And it never came up during Congressmen Adam Schiff’s and Jerry Nadler’s House investigations.

Curiously, the informants information involves a then-Secretary of State who was also serving on the government panel that approved the deal, according to Toensning.

Further, Bill Clinton accepted $500,000 Russian speaking fees in 2010. Additionally, he collected millions more in donations from parties with a stake in the Uranium One deal. Still, the Clintons and the Obama administration have denied that had any influence on the deal.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it’s a Leftist SNAKE!

The article continues,

But Toensing said her client can also testify that FBI agents made comments to him suggesting political pressure was exerted, and that there was specific evidence that could have scuttled approval of the Uranium One deal if it became public.

“There was corruption going on and it was never brought forward. And in fact, the sale of the uranium went on despite the government knowing about all of this corruption. So, he’s coming forward. He wants the right thing to be done. But he cannot do it unless he is released from the NDA,” she told the outlet.

That’s right. In a very Comey-esque move, Toensing’s client was forced to sign an NDA. That NDA has prevented him from discussing his efforts as an informant.

Hey John Durham, is this thing on?!

Let’s get Wray to release this man from the NDA, so he can tell his story. According to Toensing, her client was asked by the FBI to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to prevent him from talking to Congress. He is supposedly in possession of memos showing how the Obama Justice Department threatened him when he attempted to file a lawsuit to recover monies Russians stole from him. Clearly, this could have drawn attention to the Russian corruption during the 2016 election.

“The government was taking a very harsh position that threatened both your reputation and liberty,” the civil lawyer wrote in one email, according to the outlet. In another, she wrote: “As you will recall the gov’t made serious threats sufficient to cause you to withdraw your civil complaint.”

Just one more cog of evidence in the Obama-Clinton wheel of corruption. Let’s see how much we learn about this and the massive cover-up.

For now, we must deal with BLM as a distraction from all this. In case you missed it, that’s what George Floyd’s death is really about. Soon the Fed will wrap its arms around the anarchy. Then I suspect the time will be right to expose Obama’s corrupt dealings.



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