Russian Dossier Tied to 2020 Voting Changes

What would you say if I told you the Russian Dossier appears to be tied to much of the voting chaos surrounding the 2020 election?

Apparently, there is definitely a connection. And that connection goes by the name of Marc Elias. He’s the democrat lawyer largely responsible for the onslaught of mail-in ballots. These ballots seems to represent a good portion of the election commotion, which is to be expected during times of change. Unfortunately, Elias isn’t the squeaky clean advocate for voter’s rights. Instead, he is actually a pivotal player in the coup of Donald Trump.

I wish I could write this off as conspiracy theory 101. However, Elias is the exact attorney responsible for enlisting Fusion, GPS to write the Steele Dossier.

As Breitbart explains:

Elias works for the Perkins Coie law firm in Washington, DC, and once represented Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In 2017, the Washington Post identified Elias and Perkins Coie as having hired the Fusion GPS opposition research firm on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Fusion GPS, in turn, hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who fabricated sensational claims that helped lead to the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign, and sustained claims of “Russia collusion” that haunted the Trump administration but were later discredited. Critics claimed that Clinton and the DNC never properly reported the payments to Fusion GPS in federal campaign filings.

As Breitbart News has reported throughout the 2020 election, Elias often led Democrats in suing election authorities in battleground states to change their voting rules to expand vote-by-mail, extend deadlines, or relax rules to prevent fraud.

In April 2020, Breitbart News reported that Elias had demanded vote-by-mail across the nation, and less restrictive rules, in an article in The Atlantic — a publication known for its editorial hostility to Trump. Hillary Clinton tweeted her agreement:

Elias began suing or pressuring battleground states, including Nevada and North Carolina (both governed by Democrats).

The New Republic praised Elias in September as “The Man Who Is Determined to Stop Trump From Rigging the Election.”

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie?

Obviously, the election is a mess. But I think Democrats were hoping Donald Trump would take a loss and just let sleeping dogs lie. Recall, Nancy Pelosi made clear her intentions to stop Trump from contesting the election? I say that was her effort to steer the narrative by calling Trump a “poor sport.” However, after four years of grueling work in restoring America, Trump won’t just hang up his hat. And if Democrats thought he would, they sadly underestimated the president yet again.

I’m not sure where that leaves us, except to say that it’s not over yet. And it won’t be, until fairness reigns over the election process in every state of our great nation. Honestly, I do believe it will happen. I’m just not sure how soon.






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