Spin Begins: Nashville Bomber Identified

So what the Nashville bomber might have grown a long beard and converted to Islam. That won’t be in the narrative, even if it is true.

While I know absolutely nothing about the bomb suspect, I do know LOTS about the fake news media. So when a bombing like that in Nashville occurs, never expect to get the real story.

I already discussed this on my radio show. And on that show I said the bomber will eventually be associated with conservatism. It won’t matter if the guy was a vegan from San Francisco who voted for Biden.

As it turns out, the suspect allegedly behind the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville has been identified as 63-year-old Anthony Quinn Warner. Evidence points to Warner owning the RV. Correction. Owned an RV. Because it appears that Warner died in the blast.

Human tissue was found amongst the debris left behind by the explosion, and investigators will be conducting DNA testing.

Anthony Quinn Warner, eh. Sounds white. But don’t be surprised to learn that Warner visited Pakistan a year ago and changed his name to Ahmed!

For now, let’s associate Warner with Dominion. Because we all know that Conservatives would ANYTHING to get Dominion. They’ve even had death threats.

Thus, the media has a new narrative. Tea Party militiaman who tweeted support for Trump explodes bomb in Nashville.

By the way, I’m betting this is one of duo who beat up Jussie Smollett. Remember, that case has never been completely solved either.

Is Warner Muslim? I did say earlier that I know nothing about the man. Authorities aren’t even 100 percent sure the “human remains” found at the scene are those of Warner. But let’s say the remains belong to Warner.

But I do have a pertinent question. How many non-Muslim suicide bombers do you know of?

And look at the picture of Warner. From when he was 10?! Let’s see Warner today.


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